Maid of Honor is single and the Matron of Honor is married or a widow, she is the bride's right-hand for the duration of the planning process -- she's there to supply a second pair of eyes and provide emotional support as needed. They head up the bridal shower and handles numerous wedding day details, which might include toasting the bride and groom, signing the marriage license, adjusting the bride's train at the altar, holding her bouquet during vows. She also should help the bride get dressed, and learn how to bustle the wedding gown.
Best Man is the groom right and left hand through all stages of wedding planning. He's a bachelor-party master of ceremonies, and commander-in-chief of the groomsmen brigade. His duties include getting the groom to the ceremony on time; signing the couple's marriage license; and holding the bride's wedding ring at the altar. He also is famous for his toasting skills.
Bridesmaids are gal pals and female family members who form the bride's entourage. They are a support team for the maid of honor, helping with pre-wedding tasks when asked (addressing invites, making bridal shower favors, planning the bachelorette party, and more).
Groomsmen a group of male family and friends who assist the groom in planning and preparing for the big day. Help the best man plan and pay for the bachelor party and to support the groom. It's also common to have groomsmen do double duty as ushers, leaving their posts in time to process with the rest of the bridal party. They also get to decorate the getaway car.
Flower Girls aged three through eight who walk down the aisle before the bride, scattering flower petals from a basket (or carrying a pomander). Most flower children sit with their parents after completing their stroll.
Ring Bearer a young boy (or girl) aged four through eight, who walks down the aisle just before the flower girl (if there is one), carrying a small decorative pillow with two wedding bands tied to it (usually fakes, in case they are lost
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